Organisational Development, Culture and Change
“Tomorrow is going to be crazier than today”

Yes, we truly live in a VUCA world…The context for business is increasingly Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous.
Better Yet can help.
Sometimes it can be hard to see the wood for the trees and when you turn back to take another look, either there aren’t any trees there anymore, or all the trees are different!
What drives performance? Why do some parts of the business not perform as expected? What’s getting in the way of change? How do we sustainably change behaviour?

- We work with organisations to improve business performance.
- We apply thorough diagnostic processes to help leaders understand what drives performance and develop/implement plans to systematically improve performance.
- We have supported large, business-wide change programmes, helping to provide structure and a methodology for behaviour change.
- We undertake culture audits in support of merger and acquisition activity or alongside engagement or change work. Often, this results in us working with leaders to develop and implement data driven culture change plans.
- We find that a lot of engagement activities stall following initial activity. We work with leadership and HR teams to maintain momentum.

“Andy is amongst the very best in his field. I work with him repeatedly because I know we will get results. I see him as something of a thought leader who always challenges me and my senior teams to think beyond, but he never loses sight of critical business outcomes and has made a huge difference to the performance of my businesses.”
Alok K Sinha, Managing Director, Capita Software InternationalCase Study
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The President of a division within a large technology outsourcing business was surprised at the performance difference between his three business units – spread across Asia and the US. The BU he expected to perform best was struggling to match market growth; the BUs he was expecting to struggle were either significantly exceeding expectations or performing slightly ahead of plan.
Better Yet were asked to conduct a diagnostic study to explain the performance differentials and work with the President to ensure each business was performing to potential.
An analysis of leadership capability, engagement, culture, team effectiveness, customer satisfaction, financial performance and critical behaviours led to a fundamental redesign of the organisation, focused development at team level, a co-ordinated campaign to address misaligned elements of the culture and a long term, leader led improvement program.
The work, conducted as a close partnership between the business President and Better Yet, contributed to a 25% year on year revenue improvement, growth at twice the rate of the market, 24% improvement in employee engagement and 8% reduced employee turnover (a very important metric for this business).

Registered Office: 7 Merlin Centre, Gatehouse Close, Aylesbury, HP19 8DP
+44 (0)7967 352602