How to ensure an endless supply of ideas
“Chance favours the connected mind” I saw this quote from author Steven Johnson. It whirred around for ages and has just stuck with me. But what does it mean? Johnson was talking about ideas and how they usually develop over time and as part of a social process. So...
What makes a great team player?
What is a ‘team player’? What do they actually do? Are they worth seeking out? And how might you recognise one in the wild? Let’s try and answer these questions in the next 3 minutes. Do a simple web search and you’ll quickly find a truckload of articles with headings...
A silo-busting manifesto
Silo-ed working. When functions, divisions or departments work in their own worlds, not freely sharing or collaborating with colleagues in other parts of the business. It seems to have been a major problem for ever. Unintended cultures quickly form around working...
How to make better team decisions
How do you make decisions in your team? Do you have defined approaches for decision-making? How do you deal with deadlock? How happy are you with the quality of decisions made? In my role as a Team Performance Coach, right at the beginning of working with a team, I’ll...
TOOL: Consent-based decision-making for teams
I have adapted a blog by Gustavo Razzetti on for this article. I came across this approach recently and introduced it to a couple of teams, for whom it's become game-changing. Sometimes teams get stuck when trying to make decisions. Discussions...
TOOL: Learning from a team’s past to inform its future
As we all try to figure out what a post pandemic workplace needs to look like, change is high on the agenda for most teams. This exercise brings teams together and helps them prepare for change by linking their history and past experiences with future expectations....
Why it might be time for some big conversations
The pandemic and its associated disruption has thrown everything into the air for a while. Not least, the last 15 months has required all of us, individuals and organisations, to participate in a huge Working From Home experiment. And now, for many parts of the world,...
How to make your team smarter
“Great things in business are never done by one person, they’re done by a team of people”. Steve Jobs We’ve all heard the phrase, ‘greater than the sum of the parts’, right? It’s when the combination of team members outperforms what you’d expect from looking at the...
Tip: One way to beat distraction that worked for me
I’ve become a slow writer. It’s really irritating. I’ve worked to develop a writing habit over the last year, so that each day I sit down at my desk and write…something. Over the last few weeks, I’ve had some specific articles to write, all with a hard, but reasonable...
How to improve team performance – so that it lasts
Disappointingly, we don’t get into great shape from a single visit to the gym. It doesn’t matter how hard we work during that visit. Getting fit requires time, consistent effort and the right focus. And if we want to stay fit for the long term, we’ll need to develop...

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